Saturday 5 November 2011

Preliminary task: cover images.

i love the way the eye is guided
to the main image by the hand
rail, i feel this gives a dramatic

this is a very strong main image because
it has the college in the background,
giving many interesting angles, and the
main image is relaxed and its is what the
eye is first attracted too.

i like the different focuses in this image,
and it guides your eye to the main image,
however the text on the sign would
interfere with the left third.

this picture is very strong as it has
interesting angles in the background,
but is not taking away from the main image
of the student.

i like this one as i tried to incorporate
the exam timetables, as that's
what this edition is about.

this image i feel is very strong as
your main attention is on the student,
and the activity is revolving around

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