Monday 21 November 2011

Evaluation of preliminary task.

For the preliminary task i had to make a student magazine. I firstly had to take my own pictures of a student in college, which had to be a mid-shot, so i took some pictures of my friends in various poses and places to give me lots of choices, also it went well for the student theme. I then made the title, which i chose the to colours tie with the image, which brought on the style of my magazine. I then created my cover lines to go on my magazine, and made them the same style as my title but white so they stood out, which then made the theme for my magazine, exams, be apparent, so that everything on my pages was about the exam season and so it made the issue date appropriate.

I learnt many new things with InDesign, which will help me with my music magazine.
I learnt how to;

  • Add effects to text.
  • Fade backgrounds and shapes.
  • Make processes quicker, so i can achieve more in a lesson.
  • Feather edges so its not so harsh.
  • Apply shadows.
  • How to bring images in and change sizes.
  • Apply colours.
I will use all my knowledge for my music magazine task, to make a music cover, contents and double page spread. I can use my knowledge in the way that i can add effects to make it look different, and eye catching, this will all help me create a theme and brand for my magazine.

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