Monday 7 November 2011

Magazine cover: day

Today i added in my picture, for the main image, to the size of an A4.

Then i added my masthead, in Comic sans and learnt how to match the colours of the purples from the jumper, i also added shadows and satin effects to the masthead, and then finally titled it to 20, to give a more modernised look.

I then added a purple column on the left hand side, also in the matching colour, and made the gradient fade out, for a base for my cover lines, so they stand out more, and it looks tidy.

Today i have managed to add a couple of cover lines, which i shortened them from my previous notes as they were too long, but now you just have to glance at them to get all of the information of what they are about with minimal words, i added an outer glow, to give a more professional look, and to make them jump out of the page.

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