Sunday 11 December 2011

music magazine - proposal

My magazine is going to be aimed at a male and female audience at an age range of 18+ year olds, so that I can follow the codes and conventions of music magazines, as they like to be filled with a more mature content, that appeal to both sexes. My magazine will be a weekly issue, which will be about the latest music in the charts, artists, concerts, interview, and upcoming music events. I have chosen the magazine to be released on Mondays as I feel that it’s the best time, as music enthusiast would have watched or listened to the UK top 40 released every Sunday,  and also it’s at the beginning of the week, so that they know the latest gossip. I have also chosen to do it in January as I can talk about upcoming concerts and events coming during 2012 that fans would want to know about.
My magazine will be £2.99 as that is the most common price for music magazine, as many will be more likely to pay this price.
My cover lines are going to include such things as:
 Jasmine Munro 

'The chart topper sensation'

-Coverlines - 
UK top 40 this week
amazing songs for 2012
Coldplay's incredible concert
lit the night away
'I want to be an icon'
No1 album in 14 countries,
whats next?

I chose bulletin as my masthead, because my style model is billboard, so I made my masthead bulletin as it has the same meaning, and represents the weekly update of important music news, like what an actual bulletin board is used for.

The masthead will be in black and written in ‘Latha’ bold, I then made the ‘B’, ‘e’ and ‘I’, have 3 primary colours, for a clean and fresh look, so that its bright, and allows the magazine to have a strong identity logo for easy recognition.
My magazine will be A4 portrait in which my chosen image will take up the whole page. I have chosen A4 as it’s the typical size of a music magazine. My chosen picture will be a ‘pretty’ posed, close up of a female, in which I will take the same representation of Taylor Swift, BeyoncĂ© and Ke$ha, from Billboard magazine, as they have made the photos with styled hair, pretty makeup, strong poses and a mellow colour scheme and picture effect, which I will try to achieve, as they also represent the urban, and popular music out right now, which i am going to portray. My model is going to be my 22 year old sister, as i feel that having a model a similar age to the target audience attracts the right crowd.
They have then inverted the masthead to make it stand out, and have followed that colour scheme of white throughout, which I will also do, if my title stands out more in white.
For the fonts used, it’s very basic, in the way that they have used the same crisp font, but just in two colours and various sizes for emphasis, and then an individual font representing the singer shown, which I will also include in my front cover, to fit the clear and tidy, grid like structures to music magazines.

The name of my singer will be ‘Jasmine Munro' the chart topper sensation, I have chosen this headline because of the raves about the urban types of genre right now, and when a singer is number one, billboard is always the magazine who has them on the front cover, to seem popular and up-to-date.

On the contents page, my colours and fonts are going to be continued throughout, so it will be clear and tidy, and I’m also going to include images from pages in the magazine to make them want to read on, and know what to expect.
For my double page spread i am going to be interviewing Jasmine Munro, as I've asked many people what they like to read in music magazines and they said they like to read about a well-known singer, in an interview form, as it doesn't look boring to read, and is more entertaining, also billboard loves doing interviews, as it makes their magazine look more 'eclusive', as they have actual talked to the 'chart toppers' themselves.

To clarify my magazine is going to have:
  • an urban feel and tone.
  • an interview with Jasmine Munro.
  • a close up image.
  • a bold bulletin masthead.
  • be simple and crisp.
  • be a popular topic filled magazine.
All following my style model of billboard magazine, and following the poses of ke$ha, Beyonce and Adele.

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