Sunday 4 December 2011

music magazine - detailed annotation of chosen magazine.

Main Image –  
·         Taylor Swift – well known pop singer who very recent.
·         Very pretty and made-up hair and make-up giving the look of importance and professionalism.
·         Strong pose – staring at the camera to catch the reader’s  attention
·         All the tones of the background, hair and makeup match a mellow and natural colour of browns greys and blondes, showing the theme of her pop music, and attracting the 16+ female target audiences.
·         A centred image, leaving space for the left third.
Cover lines –
·         ‘credit crisis’, ‘retailer tests’, ‘Wow jones’, ‘chart heat’ – uses exaggerated vocabulary to make the readers want to look inside and buy it.
·         All hot topics that are relevant to the time of release
·         In yellow and white to match the mellow colour scheme, and to make the title stand out, and add interest.
·         Varies in sizes to make the text fun and modern
Masthead – Billboard
·         Quite a simple looking masthead as its black and rounded covering the width of the page, the three main colours are red yellow blue and green, creating a very simple but effective logo/representation of the magazine, which is a fun young music magazine.
Barcode –
Also Includes date website and price
Main cover line –
·         Largest text on the page
·         Bold and white to stand out, and fit in with the colour tones.
·         To emphasise the point that she is a big singer / ‘teen queen’
San serif font –
·         Traditional
·         Clean, clear and crisp
·         Matches font of masthead

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