Sunday 2 October 2011

task 2 part 2

This is the cover of a vogue magazine, showing a well known actress, Jennifer Anniston, as the main image, the target audience for this magazine will be females from the age of 16 - 50, as it covers many female interests.

I am firstly going to comment about the main image of Jennifer Anniston, as this is what you first see. Jennifer is in a very dominant pose, showing that she is a successful woman, which many females look up to, and will find this intriguing. She is also in a very flattering, long red dress, which makes her look very young and attractive, so that it makes the younger audience interested, as well as the older audience, as they would like to know her tips and secrets!
The background of the main image will defiantly appeal, because everyone wants to be in the sun, on a luxurious beach, and it just sets an expensive feel to the whole magazine that will make the readers come out of their own reality for a while and enjoy the gossip.

Next is all about the left third, model credit and cover lines. All the themes of the information given, is about beauty, fashion, holidays, romance, Angelina gossip, and as its Christmas, gifts! This will appeal to the target audience because, the most recent gossip at the time of release was about the Brad Pitt saga, this will entice the audience as they want to know all the details, for their own conversations with friends to be in the loop, and what better for it to be from one of the main people, Jennifer Anniston herself !, and as its a well known and successful actress, the magazine as a whole will just have a popular and genuine look. Everyone knows women always want to be up to date with fashion and accessories, and be the talk of the town, so letting secrets out about 'smart investments' and the must haves about clothes and jewelry, that will go with 'everything'!, will make woman everywhere want to buy it, especially as its from a respected fashion magazine which you can always trust to make you look good, with virtually no effort at all. The selling line to this magazine is how to get a 'three minute freeze for younger looking skin', this will appeal to the busy, working woman, when she hasn't got much time, and there is a quick way to look good, she will do anything for it. The main cover line for this magazine is 'holiday romance' with snippets of attracting looking stories underneath, about love stories, prettiest portrait, and America's most glamorous bed room. This will appeal to females who are either looking for love, or wanting to know how pretty other women are, or even to get tips for their own bedroom.

The title is very big and bold and takes up the width of the page while being very subtle, this gives them an expensive edge as its not coloured and tacky, also it means that because they are such a well known company, they don't have to highlight there name, they can just rest on it and concentrate the attention to the celebrity and stories. The titles text is written in a quite a old fashioned type writers font, in white, which in a way blends into the background, but stands out because its sharp against the unfocused background.

The use of colours on this magazines are very strong against the blues and whites, the left third is written in black which looks tidy and bold, where as the main cover line matches the title and contrasts with the background making it standout. the model credit matches the red dress, to show there is a direct link from the celebrity to the gossip.

Overall this is a very strong front cover as it has allot of very successful, and eye catching techniques and subjects. this it because the target audience is very obviously portrayed and covers quite a wide range of interests for all ages of women.

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