Monday 23 January 2012

music magazine - finished front cover

Here I have made a sticker
on photoshop,
to create a more professional look.

My finished magazine cover includes many of the music magazines codes and conventions.
I have followed my style model 'Billboard' by creating my masthead in the same. simple and crisp fashion,
I have also used the simple colour scheme, with 3 main colours and a mellow coloured image.
I have followed the yellow, blue and red throughout the front cover,
by the yellow taglines, blue shirt, and red sticker.
I have also used variations of fonts to add interest, and match my style model.
I have added the date and price by the barcode, to make all the information neat and compact.
My coverlines vary in size and colour to ad more interest and fit into the left third and not cover the image,
as well as fitting in with the lines of the background.
The tagline is under the masthead, small so it keeps the type tidy, in which i have put in a shadow effect,
to make it stand out.

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