Monday 30 January 2012

music magazine - contents page in the making

Here I am colour picking from my
main image so that both pages tie in
with each other and look like they
are from the same magazine.
Here I have recreated the magazine title
for the logo, so that the name of the
magazine is throughout.

Here I have removed the background
of the picture on Photoshop,
so that when i place it on my contents
page it is on the the image of the
singer, so that it looks professional,
and matches Billlboard's.

Here is my contents page so far, i next need
to add al my pages and numbers,
also the top 40, which then i have to
add effects to the text to make
its look professional, and matches the
front cover.

music magazine - contents page style model

I am going to base my contents page around this billboards contents page.

music magazine - contents page pictures

 These three images are going to be used at the top of my page to add interest and to promote the popular artist even more to entice the readers,
This is the main image that I'm going to use and I'm going to cut around the image so that it is like my style model 'Billboard'. 

music magazine - contents page flat plan

Here is the basic layout for my contents of my text and pictures

Monday 23 January 2012

music magazine - finished front cover

Here I have made a sticker
on photoshop,
to create a more professional look.

My finished magazine cover includes many of the music magazines codes and conventions.
I have followed my style model 'Billboard' by creating my masthead in the same. simple and crisp fashion,
I have also used the simple colour scheme, with 3 main colours and a mellow coloured image.
I have followed the yellow, blue and red throughout the front cover,
by the yellow taglines, blue shirt, and red sticker.
I have also used variations of fonts to add interest, and match my style model.
I have added the date and price by the barcode, to make all the information neat and compact.
My coverlines vary in size and colour to ad more interest and fit into the left third and not cover the image,
as well as fitting in with the lines of the background.
The tagline is under the masthead, small so it keeps the type tidy, in which i have put in a shadow effect,
to make it stand out.

Monday 16 January 2012

music magazine - front cover

Here I am adding the 3 main colours
to the mast head via photoshop.
Here I have added a font from
into InDesign to create my desired font,
expressing the mood of the picture and
music genre.

Monday 9 January 2012

music magazine - picture in photoshop

This was just to make sure that the light and skin looked good and professional.

music magazine - beginning of creating front cover

I am going to be making my front cover on 'InDesign'.
So far I have made my picture fit the frame to a high quality.
I am not going to be creating my masthead over the top, and my coverlines down the left third,
to then having my main coverline near the bottom.

music magazine -editing picture

Editing my photo on 'iPhoto'
I have edited this picture to remove the red eye.
I have also used the blemish fix to make a more professional look,  as it gives the 'perfect' skin for the beauty look.
I have then boosted the colours up 1 factor, to make it more bold and striking.